I believe that by creating opportunities for success in a
child’s educational, social and emotional lives we can reduce anxiety and
increase productivity. Anxiety is a powerful factor that inhibits learning,
progress and success.
I believe all teachers have a mind-boggling responsibility to
balance high expectations in a supportive, non-threatening environment.
I believe teachers need to feel supported in order to teach
I believe the classroom, schools, administrators, teachers, and
parents should be bright, infectious and spilling with positive approaches
aimed at what is best for students.
I believe that when we make decisions based on what is best for
students, we are so much better equipped at making the right choices.

I believe we need to establish what works for each individual
child and how they learn best to determine the most appropriate course of
action in order to achieve such success.
I believe, when implemented effectively, including children with
disabilities in the mainstream will enhance learning outcomes beyond measure
for ALL students.
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